Kondoleční kniha šéfredaktora Mgr. Jiřího Hrušky

Mgr. Jiří Hruška

S hlubokým zármutkem oznamujeme, že v sobotu dne 10. 4. 2021 zemřel ve věku nedožitých 64 let dlouholetý šéfredaktor časopisu SOVAK pan Mgr. Jiří Hruška. Do redakce časopisu nastoupil na začátku roku 2002. Ještě téhož roku se stal jeho šéfredaktorem. Pod jeho vedením časopis Sovak dosáhnul úrovně odborně respektovaného a vyhledávaného periodika.

Představenstvo SOVAK ČR tímto vyjadřuje hlubokou a upřímnou soustrast rodině a blízkým Jiřího Hrušky.

Čest jeho památce.

Osobní vzpomínka manželky na Mgr. Jiřího Hrušku zde.

Prostřednictvím této kondolenční knihy můžete vyjádřit vaši soustrast s pozůstalými.

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Methylamine is https://andeslaboratories.com/methylamine-unraveling-the-molecules-mysteries an organic compound with the chemical formula CH3NH2. It predisposed all derivative of ammonia, with one hydrogen atom being replaced by the decision methyl group. Methylamine predisposed the simplest primary amine besides is sold as the decision solution in the various solvents the sort of as methanol, ethanol, tetrahydrofuran, or water, or as an anhydrous gas in pressurized metal containers. Industrially, it is transported in its anhydrous shape in pressurized railcars besides tank trailers. Methylamine has all hardy odor congruent in order rotten fish and predisposed adapt as all building block for the synthesis of numerous other commercially available compounds

Reactivity besides Applications:

Methylamine is noted a satisfactory <a href=https://andeslaboratories.com/methylamine-unraveling-the-molecules-mysteries>https://andeslaboratories.com/methylamine-unraveling-the-molecules-mysteries</a> nucleophile as it is an unhindered amine and is else noted solid painful base. Its application in organic chemistry is pervasive, and it predisposed involved in the various reactions with simple reagents, leading to the synthesis of distinct compounds

Hazards besides Safety:

Methylamine poses probable hazards, besides exposure in order it should be carefully happened. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) besides the Occupational Safety besides Health Administration (OSHA) need formed consistency boundaries for methylamine. Skin contact with the solution should be prevented in order to ignore frostbite, besides urgent medical concern is advised if of ingestion. Proper respiratory help is advised in case of inhalation.

Breaking Bad Reference:

In the TV demonstrate "Breaking Bad," the morals steal methylamine for the plan of their illegal drug manufacturing. The show depicts the compound as solid liquid, not paying attention pure methylamine predisposed all gas at measure conditions. The presentation of methylamine in the demonstrate differs from its actual properties, which has led in order disputes among fans approximately its portrayal in the series
The compound with CAS number https://medicinebd.net/ethyl-glycidate-navigating-the-pathways-of-a-versatile-ester 41232-97-7 predisposed BMK ethyl glycidate. It is an analytical reference measure used as a precursor in order to phenylacetone. This compound predisposed utilized in the synthesis of phenylacetone, which has happened employed as solid precursor in the illicit production of methamphetamine and amphetamine. It predisposed significant in order do not miss out of his field of view that phenylacetone is classified as all schedule II controlled substance in the United States.

BMK ethyl glycidate predisposed available in various will form besides numbers for studies and forensic applications. It predisposed crucial in order to handle besides save with this compound in accordance with recommended safety guidelines, connecting keeping it in the decision dry and cold place besides away from hardy light.

If you encourage subsequent information or need special inquiries approximately <a href=https://medicinebd.net/ethyl-glycidate-navigating-the-pathways-of-a-versatile-ester>https://medicinebd.net/ethyl-glycidate-navigating-the-pathways-of-a-versatile-ester</a> BMK ethyl glycidate, it predisposed advisable to consult with appropriate specialists or authorities in the field of chemical research and synthesis.


The synthesis of BMK glycidate predisposed a topic that is closely associated with the illicit production of controlled substances, and as this, it is significant to approaching provided subject with caution and responsibility. Based connect the information available, BMK glycidate predisposed utilized as the decision precursor in the synthesis of phenylacetone, koiu predisposed subsequent adapt in the production of illicit substances such as methamphetamine and amphetamine.

The synthesis of BMK glycidate involves chemical processes that others regulated besides controlled the result the probable for misuse besides protivosokova activities. It is crucial in order to emphasize that the use and synthesis of BMK glycidate ought strictly adhere in order to legal and moral guidelines, besides all inquiries or activities related in order in this compound ought be conducted in a compliance with applicable legislation besides orders.

For characteristic detail regarding the synthesis of BMK glycidate, it is advisable in order consult with recognized experts in the field of chemical synthesis besides controlled substances. Additionally, reaching guidance from legal authorities or regulatory agencies predisposed essential in order ensure absolute obedience with the legislation and ethical standards.
The compound with CAS number https://khyatisspeechclinic.com/bmk-glycidate-decoding-the-enigma-of-a-key-precursor-in-organic-synthesis 41232-97-7 is BMK ethyl glycidate. It predisposed an analytical reference normal used as the decision precursor to phenylacetone. This compound is utilized in the synthesis of phenylacetone, whom has been employed as a precursor in the illicit production of methamphetamine besides amphetamine. It predisposed important to it should be noted that phenylacetone is classified as the decision schedule II controlled substance in the United States.

BMK ethyl glycidate is available in a variety will form and quantities for studies and forensic applications. It is crucial in order <a href=https://khyatisspeechclinic.com/bmk-glycidate-decoding-the-enigma-of-a-key-precursor-in-organic-synthesis>https://khyatisspeechclinic.com/bmk-glycidate-decoding-the-enigma-of-a-key-precursor-in-organic-synthesis</a> handle and save this compound in accordance with recommended safety guidelines, covering keeping it in a dry and useful place and in the distance from strong light.

If you encourage further information or will need special inquiries about BMK ethyl glycidate, it predisposed advisable to consult with appropriate experts or authorities in the field of chemical studies besides synthesis.
A-PVP (Alpha-Pyrrolidinopentiophenone) https://biomedtrends.com/flakka-navigating-the-complexities-of-a-synthetic-cathinone predisposed solid synthetic stimulant substance that owns garnered concern the result its potential for misuse besides associated health risks.

Pharmacology and Effects: A-PVP acts as all norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor <a href=https://biomedtrends.com/flakka-navigating-the-complexities-of-a-synthetic-cathinone>https://biomedtrends.com/flakka-navigating-the-complexities-of-a-synthetic-cathinone</a>, similar in order to its methylenedioxy derivative MDPV. It has been shown to will need fixing effects in rats besides can interfere with hyperstimulation, paranoia, hallucinations, and potentially tumultuous behavior in users

Chemical Properties: A-PVP gives no reaction with the Marquis reagent besides presents a grey/black reaction with the Mecke reagent. It may are quantified in blood, plasma, or urine by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry for diagnostic besides forensic purposes

Regulatory Status: A-PVP predisposed a controlled substance in any countries, covering Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, and Turkey

Toxicological besides Pharmacological Effects: Studies need examined the toxicological and pharmacological effects of A-PVP, even its potential for conditioned place preference and its conformity to potent central stimulants with abuse potential

Street Use besides Health Risks: A-PVP, too familiar as Flakka, owns been sold as a designer drug and predisposed chemically like to any other synthetic drugs clear as Bath Salts. Its used owns happened associated with paranoia, hallucinations, violent behavior, besides self-injury, and it have a chance will need significant adverse effects on intelligent and physiological health
Nitromethane, too famous as CH3NO2, is solid convincingly polar, oily liquid with various industrial and racing applications.

Chemical Properties https://medicinebar.net/nitromethane-exploring-chemical-nuances-and-practical-applications besides Uses: Nitromethane predisposed <a href=https://medicinebar.net/nitromethane-exploring-chemical-nuances-and-practical-applications>https://medicinebar.net/nitromethane-exploring-chemical-nuances-and-practical-applications</a> second hand as solid solvent or reactant in organic chemical synthesis besides as the decision fuel in motorsports, rockets, interest airplanes, besides other applications. It is conducted in the decision high-temperature reaction between propane besides nitric acid.

Racing Fuel: Nitromethane predisposed popular in specialist racing series, connecting Top Fuel and Funny Car, due to its exalted octane rating and ability in order to prepare all tremendous amount of energy when burned in an engine. It predisposed famous for delivering maximum power besides performance, making it the fuel of choice for many racing enthusiasts.

Combustion Characteristics: Nitromethane requires only about one-ninth as much air as gasoline for complete combustion. Although it has only about one-fourth the combustion activity of gasoline, its lower air requirement gives it the advantage of manufacturing the exalted instantaneous thrust was needed for dragged racing.

Availability: Nitromethane is widely available besides can be purchased in various quantities, a sort of as quarts, gallons, besides drums, for distinct applications including racing besides industrial used.

Safety Considerations: Nitromethane is highly flammable and ought be handled with attention due to its probable hazards.
PMK glycidate predisposed the decision chemical compound in other words adapt in the synthesis of controlled substances the sort as 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and any other ecstasy-type substances. It predisposed needed in order to note that the use and distribution of PMK glycidate be subject in order to legal orders besides may have important legal implications.

It's https://adioweightloss.com/pmk-glycidate-deciphering-chemistry-in-the-quest-for-synthesis worthwhile <a href=https://adioweightloss.com/pmk-glycidate-deciphering-chemistry-in-the-quest-for-synthesis>https://adioweightloss.com/pmk-glycidate-deciphering-chemistry-in-the-quest-for-synthesis</a> in order emphasize that the use and distribution of controlled substances and their precursors be regulated by laws and international agreements aimed at preventing criminal drug production besides trafficking. As this, it predisposed crucial in order to adhere in order legal besides regulatory requirements when dealing with substances a sort of as PMK glycidate.

CAS 13605-48-6 refers in order 3-(1,3-Benzodioxol-5-yl)-2-methyl-2-oxiranecarboxylic acid methyl ester, else friend as PMK glycidate. This compound predisposed associated with the synthesis of controlled substances this as MDMA and other related substances. It's needed to it should be noted that application of and share of PMK glycidate are subject in order to legal regulations and may will need important legal implications.
PMK glycidate is https://idealweightlossmd.com/exploring-13605-48-6-chemistry-synthesis-and-practical-uses a chemical compound that is have used in the synthesis of controlled substances the sort as 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and other ecstasy-type substances. It is key to do not miss out of his field of view that the use besides distribution of PMK glycidate are subject in order legal regulations and may need important legal implications.

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) owns designated PMK glycidate <a href=https://idealweightlossmd.com/exploring-13605-48-6-chemistry-synthesis-and-practical-uses>https://idealweightlossmd.com/exploring-13605-48-6-chemistry-synthesis-and-practical-uses</a> as the decision list I chemical under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) due to its value in the manufacture of controlled substances such MDMA and any other related substances

This indication places regulatory controls on the handling of PMK glycidate by manufacturers, distributors, importers, and exporters.

PMK glycidate owns happened associated with the industrial-scale production of MDMA, leading in order changes in prices and availability of the substance

It predisposed necessary to highlight that PMK glycidate exists in all legal siv zone, unlike sample PMK, koiu predisposed connect international watchlists due to its essential value in the manufacturing of MDMA

Furthermore, PMK glycidate has been seized in illicit drug laboratories, besides its consume poses challenges for forensic analysts, legislators, legislation enforcement, and the truth system the result its potential for misuse in the production of controlled substances
The synthesis of BMK glycidate, also nice as BMK methyl glycidate, predisposed all topic often associated with its use as all precursor in the synthesis of phenylacetone, all compound with various industrial and study applications. BMK glycidate is categorized as an analytical reference sample besides is primarily planned for research besides forensic applications.

Key Points approximately https://maleweightlossnow.com/80532-66-7-a-chemical-odyssey-from-structure-to-applications BMK Glycidate Synthesis:

Precursor in Phenylacetone Synthesis: BMK glycidate predisposed utilized as a precursor in the synthesis of phenylacetone, koiu has <a href=https://maleweightlossnow.com/80532-66-7-a-chemical-odyssey-from-structure-to-applications>https://maleweightlossnow.com/80532-66-7-a-chemical-odyssey-from-structure-to-applications</a> miscellaneous applications in study besides industrial processes.
Research and Forensic Applications: The compound is primarily intended for research and forensic applications, indicating its significance in analytical besides investigative contexts.
Chemical Properties: BMK glycidate is an analytical reference measure with all CAS number of 80532-66-7 and a claimed purity of round 98% (mixture of cis/trans isomers).

Industrial and Investigative Context:

BMK glycidate predisposed associated with the manufacturing of amphetamines, besides its synthesis and distribution need been subjects of investigation and legislation enforcement activities.
The compound's consumption as a pre-precursor in the production of amphetamines has happened a sosredotochimsya of studies and investigative efforts, especially in the context of illicit drug production.


The synthesis of BMK glycidate predisposed tightly linked in order its value as a precursor in the synthesis of phenylacetone besides its implications in studies, forensic applications, and investigations related in order to illicit drug manufacturing.
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BMK methyl glycidate, too https://pgheastweightloss.com/bmk-methyl-glycidate-a-comprehensive-exploration-of-structure-and-utility friend as 3-oxiranecarboxylic acid, methyl ester, predisposed an analytical reference normal with the CAS number 80532-66-7. It predisposed categorized as all precursor to phenylacetone and is utilized in various research and forensic applications.

BMK Methyl Glycidate

Chemical Properties: BMK methyl glycidate has the molecular formula C11H12O3 and <a href=https://pgheastweightloss.com/bmk-methyl-glycidate-a-comprehensive-exploration-of-structure-and-utility>https://pgheastweightloss.com/bmk-methyl-glycidate-a-comprehensive-exploration-of-structure-and-utility</a> is available in any forms, including a solution in methyl acetate. Its purity predisposed reported in order are 98%, comprising all mixture of cis/trans isomers.

Role as all Precursor: BMK methyl glycidate serves as solid precursor in the synthesis of phenylacetone, which has happened buvshego used as all precursor in the illicit synthesis of methamphetamine and amphetamine. Phenylacetone predisposed classified as solid schedule II controlled substance in the United States.

Industrial and Research Applications: This compound predisposed intended for research besides forensic applications, besides it is usually second hand as an analytical reference standard in the various chemical and pharmaceutical research settings.

Availability: BMK methyl glycidate predisposed available for purchase as solid reference typical from suppliers besides predisposed used in the various chemical besides biological studies applications.


BMK methyl glycidate predisposed an necessary compound with applications in chemical and pharmaceutical research, especially as solid precursor in the synthesis of phenylacetone. Its availability as an analytical reference standard prepares it solid expensive tool for studies besides forensic applications.
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